Scotty McGee » Discipline Managers

The Discipline Managers are responsible for building and maintaining the curriculum of events and assessments that we offer in each of our Disciplines. They also manage the DECL teams which run those events.

Scotty McGee


Originally From: Nashville, TN

Years Instructing: 35

Favorite Skier or Snowboarder: Fritjof Nansen

Why do you work in the ski industry? Sharing passion for winter sports

What else do you do besides skiing/snowboarding? Mtn Bike, River SUP, Epic hikes, Mountaineering

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why? Mahatma Gandhi,…there’s so much to learn!


Alpine L3 / Tele L3 / Track L3 / Backcountry L3

Home Area: Snow King, WY