Meaghan Lovely » Discipline Managers

The Discipline Managers are responsible for building and maintaining the curriculum of events and assessments that we offer in each of our Disciplines. They also manage the DECL teams which run those events.

Meaghan Lovely

Children’s Specialist Discipline Manager


Originally From: New Hampshire

Years Instructing: 15

Favorite Skier or Snowboarder: Ingrid Backstrom

Why do you work in the ski industry? I started to share my passion of the sport with guest at JHMR. I continued because I was able to learn and grow so much within the sport and realized my love for teaching. Being able to train instructors is one of the most fulfilling things in my life. And now I get to share the love for the sport with my own kids!

What else do you do besides skiing/snowboarding? I love to cook and help my husband grow food for our family. And enjoy lots of time outdoors on the lake and camping in the summer.

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why? My parents, I moved out west 16 years ago and they are still in NH. They are beyond supportive of my career and more dinners with them would be amazing.