The Alpine DECL (Division Education and Clinic Leader) team is a group of highly trained instructors who are responsible for running the various Alpine clinics and assessments that the Division offers.
Members of this team have have been hand-selected from the Intermountain Development Squad; for more information on this process, take a look at the “Alpine DEVO Squad Selection” event listed on this page.
Renee Godin-Campbell
Originally From: Saskatchewan, Canada
Years Instructing: 41
Favorite Skier or Snowboarder: Too Many to Name!
Why do you work in the ski industry? I love this sport and I want to share the love!
What else do you do besides skiing/snowboarding? I love to ride my horse, bike, UTV and I own a Landscaping Business.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why? My Mum and Dad, I would Thank them for the sacrifices they had to make so that I could Ski Race!
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