George Kolbenschlag » Alpine DECL Team

The Alpine DECL (Division Education and Clinic Leader) team is a group of highly trained instructors who are responsible for running the various Alpine clinics and assessments that the Division offers.

Members of this team have have been hand-selected from the Intermountain Development Squad; for more information on this process, take a look at the “Alpine DEVO Squad Selection” event listed on this page.

George Kolbenschlag

Alpine DECL, Communications V.P., Board Member


Originally From: Unknown

Years Instructing: 42

Why do you work in the ski industry? The people

What else do you do besides skiing/snowboarding? Lots of biking, travel and hanging with my family

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why? My kids


Alpine L3

Home Area: Snowbird