Laurie Norman » Children’s DECL Team

The Children’s DECL (Division Education and Clinic Leader) team is a group of highly trained instructors who are responsible for running the various Children’s Specialist clinics and certificate programs that the Division offers.

Members of this team have have been selected from the Division Children’s Specialist Trainers; for more information on this process, take a look at the CS Trainer certificate program.

Laurie Norman


How did you get your start in this career field? I started skiing as a teenager on a church youth trip. I got altitude sickness the first day and only skied for 1 day, but I was instantly hooked, even though I only knew how to pizza stop. Fast forward a few years, when my family bought a cabin in Angel Fire, New Mexico and I drove over from Oklahoma City every weekend to ski. By the end of that season, I had worked my way up to being an awkward intermediate skier with a wicked stem. One of the instructors at Angel Fire encouraged me to teach skiing. My response was “I can’t even ski very well” but they responded with “It’s more about how you handle people.” After shadowing my first lesson (with 13 beginners, all from Texas), I knew right away that I wanted to help others enjoy skiing as much as I did. I started off teaching children, and although I now teach mostly families, I always prefer to have kids in the mix.

What inspired you to pursue the career you have today? I enjoy being outdoors, I thrive being in the mountains, and I receive great joy from sharing with others about skiing. I can’t even begin to count the number of people who encouraged me along the way, and I try to do the same with others.

What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet? I’d like to ski in Portillo in the summer–I would even consider instructing there if I knew more Spanish– and I would also like to go heliskiing in Canada. I want to travel to Israel (maybe when things calm down a bit). There really just isn’t enough time to do all the things I would like to do.

What surprised you most about working in this industry? The incredible people you meet–the customers and the fellow employees.

What lesson are you most grateful for learning? Recently, I have been working on my Pilates certification–about 500 hours worth! I am grateful that I am learning so much about the body and how it functions.

Please list your hidden talent(s): I’m a mountain bike aficionado, a Pilates instructor, and a life-long lover of Jesus.