Policies & Procedures

PSIA-AASI Intermountain is a nonprofit organization run by the Division Board of Directors, who employ an Executive Director for operations oversight. The BOD and the ED are governed by the Division By-Laws (available below). They meet several times per year to discuss how best to serve the membership. Elections are held each year in March to elect new representatives to the Board. The Board periodically updates the Division Policies and Procedures (available below) to determine how the organization runs. A general membership meeting with the Board of Directors is held annually.

The Division employs a number of Discipline Managers, who are responsible for maintaining the curriculum for each discipline. Each discipline has a number of DECL (Division Educational and Clinic Leader) staff members who run most of our clinics and assessments.

All members are expected to follow the Division code of conduct, available below.

The day-to-day operations of the Division and all member services are handled by the Executive Director and the Division Office, located in Salt Lake City, and the National Call Center, located in Denver.

PSIA-AASI reserve the right to prioritize members who are actively instructing and currently employed at a member school. Unaffiliated members may be removed from events and waitlists to make space for those actively instructing.

Unaffiliated members are required to provide their own lift ticket/pass to clinics and exams. If you have a season pass, please check the dates you are attending against blackout dates.

PSIA-AASI Intermountain By-Laws

Policies & Procedures (PSIA-AASI Intermountain) Updated 06_2024

Code-of-Conduct 2023 Revised 7_10_2023

For a copy of the Articles of Incorporation, please contact the Division Office.