PSIA-AASI primarily operates through an annual dues structure. Dues cover the period from July 1 to June 30 of the following year, encompassing a winter season. Dues include a Division and National component. There are late fees applied to dues paid after June 30. For current rates, visit the dues information page.

The Intermountain Division offers certification programs for its members, including associated clinics and exams. For many members, certification is their primary reason for joining PSIA-AASI. Certification is available in three levels, but the specific process varies for each snowsports discipline. Please check the discipline page for the sport you’d like to obtain a certification in for more information.

Certification Maintenance
After you earn a certification, to maintain it in good standing, you must complete six hours of educational credits every membership year (July 1 – June 30). Any CEU hours greater than six obtained in a membership year will be applied towards the CEU requirement for the following membership year only.
If these educational requirements are not met, a monetary penalty will be applied to your annual due statement, and your membership will indicate “inactive status”. For more information, visit the certification information page.

We offer clinics throughout the season at various member schools. Information on all division educational opportunities are posted on our event calendar by late October each season. Each event page details its prerequisites, costs, intended outcomes, and location. You may also browse the events we offer in each discipline’s page.
Clinic enrollment/space is limited by location and clinicians; you are encouraged to sign up early to guarantee a spot. PSIA-AASI prioritizes members who are actively instructing and currently employed at a member school. Unaffiliated members may be removed from events and waitlists to make space for those actively instructing. If you register within two weeks of an event, a late fee will be assessed. More information on our registration policies is available on this page.
Events provided by other Divisions are listed on their websites (please see the National Organization’s website for other Division information).

New Instructor Guide
The National PSIA/AASI organization has put together several resources to help you start your career as an instructor. A free e-learning course is available on this page of their website which will help enhance your on-snow training, as well as being a great way to learn more about your job. A downloadable PDF version of the New Instructor Guide is available as well. Check them out!
Professional Instructor Expectations
- Prioritize students and their learning as a fundamental component of personal professional development.
- Respect the association and its staff as they provide education in technical, teaching, and people skills for the good of resort guests/students and not just individual gain.
- Arrive on time; communicate appropriately when unable to do so.
- Reflect professional appearance and adhere to cultural norms, policies, and procedures for specific resorts, regions, and the association overall.
- Receive and accept feedback assuming positive intent. Ask clarifying questions and seek first to understand. Participate in opportunities for follow-up when offered.
- Practice self-awareness and avoid overstating competence or skill level to clinic leaders or the association. When uncertain about an event’s suitability, seek guidance. Maintain an open attitude towards feedback and advice, and prioritize the needs of others.
- Learn and practice risk awareness and management specific to the resort, terrain, and situation.
- Recognize the significance of words and behaviors in shaping others’ perceptions, regardless of intent. (see people skills).
- Seek appropriate channels for reporting harassment, bullying, or other hurtful language or behaviors.
- Refrain from unauthorized teaching or receiving payment from students that is not authorized by the resort or area where you are teaching.

Educational Materials
Many helpful documents, such as certification information, workbooks, and preparation material, can be found on each discipline’s page.
There is an online store, where you can review and order the PSIA-AASI books. You can also visit the office (7105 S. Highland Dr. #201, Salt Lake City) and peruse and purchase many of the items found in the online store. Make sure to check the bottom of this page for the most current office hours!

The Intermountain Division offers scholarships to help cover certain clinic costs for qualifying members. Typically, scholarships are awarded each November and January. Please see the scholarship page for additional information.

Intermountain Newsletter – Face Shots
PSIA-AASI Intermountain publishes an electronic newsletter, Face Shots, once per month. It provides members with important information about upcoming events, our member schools, and division news; it is your best resource for activities, including opportunities to get further involved with PSIA-AASI. For more information, or to view recent issues, head over to the newsletter’s page.

National Membership Tools
As a National member of PSIA-AASI, you also receive a mailed copy of the National Organization’s magazine, 32 Degrees. Like the division’s magazine, 32 Degrees provides a variety of useful information for instructors.
The National PSIA-AASI website is another great resource. To access the site, you’ll need to login with a username and password. The email address that you
provided for membership will be used as your username, and your member ID number, located on your ID card, will be your password. Through the website, you will find a handy movement matrix; Pro deals, including offers on clothing and equipment; and your personal PSIA-AASI record, including information detailing your school affiliation, address, certifications, education history and payments. Please use this resource to keep your address and school affiliation current.

Contacting Us
The office staff works tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure the Intermountain Division runs smoothly. You can call us at 303-987-9390 and you will talk to a member of our Denver-based team. They are very familiar with the database system that manages your education history, dues, and event registration. If the Denver team can’t answer your question, or you need to speak directly with an office member, they will forward your call to the Intermountain office staff. You can also email us on this page or directly at admin@psia-i.org.