All of the information regarding transferring into the Intermountain Division can be found on the Division Transfer page.
We’re excited that you’d like to be a ski instructor; it’s an amazing way to spend your winters. All of the information you need can be found on this page.
Head on over to our New Member Guide; all of the information you need can be found there.
The reinstatement process gives former PSIA-AASI members a path to return to active certified membership. This process outlines how to re-activate your certification and is applicable for all divisions across the country. The reinstatement process can occur at any time during the year and is standardized for all disciplines.
Click here to view the PSIA-AASI reinstatement policy on the National PSIA-AASI website.
- Prioritize students and their learning as a fundamental component of personal professional development.
- Respect the association and its staff as they provide education in technical, teaching, and people skills for the good of resort guests/students and not just individual gain.
- Arrive on time; communicate appropriately when unable to do so.
- Reflect professional appearance and adhere to cultural norms, policies, and procedures for specific resorts, regions, and the association overall.
- Receive and accept feedback assuming positive intent. Ask clarifying questions and seek first to understand. Participate in opportunities for follow-up when offered.
- Practice self-awareness and avoid overstating competence or skill level to clinic leaders or the association. When uncertain about an event’s suitability, seek guidance. Maintain an open attitude towards feedback and advice, and prioritize the needs of others.
- Learn and practice risk awareness and management specific to the resort, terrain, and situation.
- Recognize the significance of words and behaviors in shaping others’ perceptions, regardless of intent. (see people skills).
- Seek appropriate channels for reporting harassment, bullying, or other hurtful language or behaviors.
- Refrain from unauthorized teaching or receiving payment from students that is not authorized by the resort or area where you are teaching.
Detailed information on the certification process is available on each discipline’s page:
– Adaptive
– Alpine
– Cross Country
– Snowboard
– Telemark
Certificates are also available in the following disciplines; more information can be found on their pages:
– Children’s Specialist
– Freestyle
All of the requirements to maintain your certification can be found on the Certification page.
PSIA-AASI Intermountain does not have a process for appealing exam results. It is best to reach out to the examiner for more information, as well as discussing your results with a trainer at your ski school
If an event fills, a waitlist is available to allow further registrations in case any participants cancel. You can add yourself to the waitlist for an event on the registration page. PSIA-AASI reserves the right to prioritize members who are actively instructing and currently employed at a member school. Unaffiliated members may be removed from events and waitlists to make space for those actively instructing.
You can only register for one date for the same exam; we will remove all but one for the same exam type.
The most important thing is to make sure to fulfill the continuing education requirements in order to maintain your certification. There are a number of ways to do this; many members take “lighter” clinics such as our snowcat skiing/riding events, or evening indoor lectures so as to not interfere with their teaching during the day. A full catalog of our clinics for you to browse can be found on each discipline’s page.
All of our policies regarding changing or cancelling an event registration can be found on this page.
On the registration deadline (generally two weeks prior to an event), we look at the number of people signed up for an event and determine if there are enough people to move forward with this event or if we have to cancel the event due to lack of registrants. We need at least four people registered for any one clinic for it to run.
Yes, you can take clinics in other PSIA/AASI divisions, and the credits transfer between divisions. If you want to take a certification exam in another division, you need to have a permission letter sent to that division from your home division. Clinic passes from other divisions do not transfer into Intermountain or vice versa.
Yes! This policy is described on the Certification page.
PSIA-AASI understands that attending events outside of one’s region or home resort involves certain risks, including the potential for cancellation. If an event is canceled or relocated, please note that PSIA-AASI cannot be held accountable for any travel costs, hotel reservations, or lift ticket expenses incurred.
1. Sign on to the National website, using your current username (usually your email address) and your current password (typically your ID number).
2. Once it greets you as successfully signed in, go to “My Profile” in the upper right corner of the page.
3. On the left side of this page is an option to “Change My Password.”
1. Sign on to the National website, using your current username (usually your email address) and your current password (typically your ID number).
2. Once it greets you as successfully signed in, go to “My Profile” in the upper right corner of the page.
3. On the left side of this page is an option to “My Membership Card.”
All of the PSIA-AASI Pro Deals are handled through the National Office; check out the Accessories Catalog and the Sponsors & Partners pages on the National website.