The Intermountain Division offers certification programs for its members, including associated clinics and exams. For many members, certification is their primary reason for joining PSIA-AASI. Certification is available in three levels, but the specific process varies for each snowsports discipline. The National Certification Standards are available on the National PSIA-AASI website, and detailed information on the certification process is available on each discipline’s page:
– Adaptive
– Alpine
– Cross Country
– Snowboard
– Telemark
Certificates are also available in the following disciplines; more information can be found on their pages:
– Children’s Specialist
– Freestyle

Certification Maintenance
Maintain active status and certifications by paying annual dues and obtain a minimum of 6 CEUs every membership season (July 1 – June 30.) A Minimum of 6 CEUs are required every membership season (or 12 every other season). Any CEU hours greater than 6 obtained in a membership season will be applied towards the CEU requirement for the following membership season only. (i.e. max of 6 CEUs roll forward per season)
Ways to Earn Continuing Education:
Attend an Event in Another Region
If you are a Certified Member and have not maintained your CEU requirements. You will see a delinquency fee on your membership dues renewal invoice.
To return to certified active status, you will need to complete the minimum number of CEU’s based on the number of seasons you have been delinquent.
1 season: 12 CEUs
2 seasons: 18 CEUs
3 seasons: 24 CEUs
4 seasons: 24 CEUs
Learn more about PSIA-AASI’s Reinstatement Policy.
Credit for External Events
You may receive up to six CEUs every two seasons for qualifying educational events taken outside of PSIA/AASI. In order to obtain credit, please fill out this form, and send the division office (303-987-9390, documentation confirming that you completed the event. Events are subject to approval by the appropriate discipline manager, and a $90 processing fee will apply if approved.
Membership Categories:
Registered Instructor:
The first level of membership in PSIA-AASI Intermountain.
Requires completing the New Member Application form and payment of dues.
Entitles members to attend education events that are open to all members and Level I Certification Exams. See the Event Calendar of this website for specifics.
No continuing education requirements.
Non-voting membership class.
Provides access to all member benefits that do not require certification.
Maintain active status by paying annual dues.
Certified Member:
Attain at least Level I Certification in Alpine, Snowboard, Cross Country, Telemark or Adaptive disciplines.
Must be a registered member of PSIA-AASI Intermountain.
Maintain active status and certification:
Maintain active status and certifications by paying annual dues and obtain a minimum of 6 CEUs every membership season (July 1 – June 30.)
A minimum of 6 CEUs are required every membership season (or 12 every other season).
Any CEU hours greater than 6 obtained in a membership season will be applied towards the CEU requirement for the following membership season only. (i.e. max of 6 CEUs roll forward per season)
***CEUs must be maintained in order to retain certifications and active status. See “inactive” and “alumni” below.
**Medical Waiver
Voting membership class.
Access to member benefits that require certification.
Inactive Member:
If you are a Certified Member and have not maintained your CEU requirements.
You will see a delinquency fee on your membership dues renewal invoice.
To return to certified active status, you will need to complete the minimum number of CEU’s based on the number of seasons you have been delinquent.
1 season: 12 CEUs
2 seasons: 18 CEUs
3 seasons: 24 CEUs
4 seasons: 24 CEUs
Please see the Reinstatement Process page for more information. You will need to submit a Reinstatement form.
A previously Certified Instructor who has stopped teaching on a permanent basis.
Terminates certifications*
Not required to maintain education credit.
Entitled to attend all functions and receive all correspondence and literature.
Pay reduced dues of $35.00 to Intermountain and $35.00 to National.
Non-voting membership class.
*An Alumnus is eligible to apply for reinstatement of certification(s) and Certified Instructor status.
Lifetime Member:
Granted at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Not required to pay dues.
Not required to maintain education credit.
Active Service Personnel:
A Registered or Certified Instructor on temporary active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States, the Peace Corps or the Foreign Service.
Membership dues and/or education requirements may be waived at the discretion of the Board of Directors.