Hello everyone,
I want to update you on the ongoings of the Board of Directors and the status of our division.
First off, I want to say thank you for letting me be at the helm of our division for the last four years. It truly has been an honor. At our June board meeting, the Board held elections for a new President and executive officers. I have served two terms and now must step aside. In October, I will hand the reins over to Mike Thurgood as the new president of the Intermountain Division. He will be a great leader and I am excited to work with him in the coming years. Kim Prebish will continue to work her magic as the Communication Vice President Chair, and I will fill the Administrative Vice President seat.
Second, I would like to let everyone know that we have officially hired an Executive Director. We interviewed many qualified people, and through it all, the talent we were looking for was right under our own noses. A big “Congratulations!” goes out to Kirstie Rosenfield. She is stepping up from our Interim Executive Director to our official Executive Director. She will oversee all operational activities of the division. We are in good hands. You will probably get the chance to meet her at this coming season’s events, where she will often be found meeting as many members as she can. This is an exciting time for all of us, and we are going boldly into that future.
This past year was an exceptional year for Intermountain, financially and organizationally. The addition of Sun Valley, Higher Ground, and Wasatch Adaptive Sports has grown our division. We have also updated our Articles of Incorporation with the state of Utah, the division’s By-laws, and our Policies and Procedures. There have been many volunteer hours in this endeavor.
We are working with all the other seven divisions plus the National Office to bring you all the latest in educational material and opportunities to further your career in snowsports education. We are looking at ways for you to obtain educational credits with clinics in the off-season. I have been promoting to the council ways to to try and make education credits more accessible because I know what it takes to gain these, and we are working to make it easier for you to do so.
The division is in a great place right now. Looking to the future, this is an exciting time; we have a plan, we are moving forward, and I am grateful that you are part of it.
Rich McLaughlin
President, Intermountain Division
July 2019