Posting Policy of the PSIA-AASI Intermountain Board of Directors Meetings
PSIA-AASI Intermountain is a member-driven organization. As such, one of the goals in the organization’s governance is to operate the affairs of the organization transparently. To that end, members in good standing are welcomed and encouraged to attend scheduled board meetings.
Additionally, the minutes of each Board Meeting, once transcribed and approved by the Board of Directors, will be posted on this page of the website.
Individual reports and proposals from each board meeting, as well as our current Financial Statement, will be made available upon request to members in good standing. Board updates are noted in the Division’s monthly newsletter, Face Shots.
Board meetings will follow the parliamentary procedure known as Roberts Rules of Order based on considering the rights of the majority, of the minority (especially a large minority greater than one-third), of individual members, of absentee members, and of all of these groups taken together.
Dates: May 30-31, 2025
Members are encouraged to submit ideas and suggestions through their Board representative or an at-large Board member for consideration by the full Board. The Board member will submit a written proposal to the office, which must be received in its entirety at least two weeks prior to the Board meeting to be included in the Board packet. All proposals must be sponsored by a Board Member. Please select and contact a Board member to request that they sponsor your proposal. The Board member will then follow up after the meeting with the member to discuss the outcome of the proposal.
BOD Minutes
President: Shannon Schiner
Administrative V.P.: Rich McLaughlin
Communications V.P.: George Kolbenschlag
PSIA National Board Representative: Rich McLaughlin
Alpine Certification Manager: Stefan Gosch
Alpine Education Manager: Colleen Jamieson
Snowboard Managers: Jess King and Eric Rolls
Telemark Manager: Nate Carey
Cross Country Manager: Scott McGee
Adaptive Manager: Kristen Caldwell
Children’s Manager: Meaghan Lovely
Freestyle Manager: Jamie Hill
Ski School Management Committee Chair: Matt Clos
Current Board Members by Term:
2022 – 2025: Brandon Holmes, Coleen Jamieson, Nathan Jarvis, Rich McLaughlin, Linda Thompson
2023 – 2026: Matt Pearl, Shannon Schiner
2024 – 2027: Jason Hunter, George Kolbenschlag, Maggie Loring