Member School Shout Out
White Pine Ski School
PSIA-AASI Intermountain is thrilled to announce our newest member school in Wyoming. White Pine is excited about the opportunities for expanding
training and professional education at their mountain. They have jumped in with three planned clinics this year! Check out their website at and sign up for one of these events to see the resort up close:
Ski Improvement, December 10
Alpine More With Less, Janunary 14
Alpine General Assessment Prep, February 11
Welcome White Pine!
Strategic Alignment and Assessment Update
Stephen Helfenbein, IMD Alpine Education Manager
Over the past few years our association has been going through a comprehensive strategic alignment process. As a result,
in addition to using the same National Standard for certification all 8 PSIA-AASI divisions are now using many of the same resources. These include:
- A performance guide used to design divisional process and education
- A national candidate assessment form (scorecard)
- A shared scoring scale.
The goal is one we’ve desired and pursued for a long time: consistency!
As PSIA-I integrates these new tools into the certification process, you can expect some changes. Some will be obvious while others will go unnoticed.
An obvious change is the addition of a day to the assessment process for Alpine Level 2. This additional day will be used to assess the technical competency
of movement analysis.
The latest revision to the National Standards categorizes movement analysis as a technical skill. In the past, our process only assessed movement analysis
during teaching assessments and this will continue. However, the movement analysis performed during the teaching assessment is only one piece of the
student assessment process that instructors use to plan their lesson. They also assess the students' understanding, motivation and experience.
The addition of the technical movement analysis assessment day gives us the opportunity to evaluate the instructor’s technical knowledge and understanding
in a way that complies with the National Standards.
As I mentioned before, there will be some more changes. As the season approaches, we will do our best to proactively preview these changes with you.
You can find more details about certification requirements for each discipline
on the Intermountain website.